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For people who wish to launch their own company, many publications are accessible. This can make it difficult to know where to start. Here are a handful of the best business books written by outstanding people.

Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography 

This book focuses on Steve Jobs’ entrepreneurial spirit as the creator of Apple. The author is a Time magazine editor and a journalist. He specializes in writing biographies of exceptionally successful persons in their fields. By reading about Steve Jobs’ life from the beginning, the reader explores how Jobs created a great company from nothing. The book is blunt in describing Jobs’ problems and his tremendous talent and pursuit of perfection, which motivated his work. 

Beating the Odds

Eddie Brown is a businessman and philanthropist headquartered in the USA. He was an engineer at IBM in the past. After that, Brown started his firm, making it worth $1 billion. As the founder of Brown Capital Management, he describes how he overcame challenges like 9/11. He also discusses the 2008 economic slump that affected the market. Later in this book, Brown goes into great depth about his experiences as an engineer at IBM and starting his own business. Reading Brown’s autobiography will help if your firm is going through difficult startup hurdles and you want to understand how to handle them. The author provides a road map for establishing objectives and taking deliberate action to achieve those objectives. 

Good to Great

The book’s author is American author, speaker, and researcher Jim Collins. He offers business management consulting services as well. While providing consulting, he addresses the growth and sustainability of the company. Jim Collins’s Good to Great is a book for business people. Jim focuses on large corporations like Coca-Cola and Intel. He and his team conduct additional research to uncover the fundamental characteristics of successful businesses. In this book, he synthesizes the results of his study. This research-based book is for business owners interested in learning what makes a company popular and successful. Collins offers helpful suggestions for enhancing a business that you can use as you grow your business.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Angela Duckworth is an American academic and psychologist. She is a famous science author who also studies grit and self-control at the University of Pennsylvania. In this book, Angela emphasizes the importance of passion in business. She underlines the significance of sustainable business and regularly works hard to improve enterprises. Duckworth explains the concept of “grit” by advising on that matter to entrepreneurs.