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Sahr Ngegba's Blog

Leaning into the Uncomfortable Parts of Leadership

Leaning into the Uncomfortable Parts of Leadership

Leadership is an ever-evolving journey of challenges, uncertainties, and growth opportunities. One of the most transformative paths to personal and professional development is the willingness to lean into the uncomfortable aspects of leadership. While discomfort may...

Leadership Boundaries to Put in Place This Year

Leadership Boundaries to Put in Place This Year

As a leader, setting clear boundaries is essential for maintaining balance, fostering a healthy work environment, and ensuring long-term success. As we embark on a new year, it's an opportune time to establish or reinforce leadership boundaries that contribute to...

How to Master Your Thinking as an Entrepreneur

How to Master Your Thinking as an Entrepreneur

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, success often hinges not only on practical skills and resources but also on the mindset and thought processes of the individual. Mastering your thinking as an entrepreneur is essential for navigating the challenges,...

5 Ways to Become a Better Listener

5 Ways to Become a Better Listener

In a world abuzz with constant noise and chatter, the art of listening has become increasingly undervalued. Authentic listening involves more than just hearing; it requires attention, empathy, and genuine interest. Becoming a better listener can significantly enhance...

Improving Your Employees’ Productivity

Improving Your Employees’ Productivity

A more productive workforce not only enhances the overall efficiency of your organization but also contributes to increased innovation and job satisfaction. Listed below are some effective strategies to elevate your employees' productivity. Clear Communication and...

How to Protect Your Business From Hackers

How to Protect Your Business From Hackers

Protecting your business from hackers is of utmost importance. Cybersecurity threats pose significant risks to sensitive data, financial stability, and the overall reputation of your company. Implementing the following robust cybersecurity measures is not only...

How to Stand Out From Other Businesses in Your Industry

How to Stand Out From Other Businesses in Your Industry

Differentiation involves more than just offering a unique product or service; it's about crafting a distinct identity, creating value, and forming meaningful customer connections.  The business landscape is characterized by rapid technological advancements, evolving...

Things to Do in the Morning to Have a Productive Day

Things to Do in the Morning to Have a Productive Day

How we start our day often sets the tone for the following hours. A morning routine to boost productivity can propel us towards achieving our daily goals with more focus and less stress. While the definition of a 'productive day' can vary from person to person,...